Tired of Waiting?
Use Barhop.

For Everyone:
Barhop saves you time, and keeps you in the party instead of at the bar.

For Bars:
Barhop maxemizes your ability to tend to your customers and collect payments without needing to worry about staff coverage.

Universal Tab

No Login

No Wait

Single Pay

Tip Pool

Innovative Features

Barhop provides you with the best possible experience wether you are out having a good time, or managing a venue looking to provide a better experience.

Unversal Tab

Never have to open and close a tab again. Payment for a network of venues managed all in one place.

No Login

Avoid The Hassle of signing up for yet another app, and instead just place order wherever you are.

Tip Pool

Never miss a tip using our tip pool system. All your bartenders need to worry about is serving amazing drinks.


Barhop's unique Interface makes it easy for you to place and continue placing orders for a desired venue without the need of disruptions. Ensuring you never miss an order maximizes effieincy and crates a desireable enviornment for your venue. Find new places to enjoy or attract customers looking for a change of scenery using the benefit of our venue network

Get Details

Fully Custom Menu.
Transparent Prices.

Always know what and how much you're paying. Take the guess work out of a menu. Our venue management dashboard gives you the power to have full control of your venues prices and offers.

Easy, Straight Foward UI

Barhop strives to provide a hassle free intuitive experience for ordering from a venue, to create a welcome unsaturated enviornment.